Thursday, October 29, 2015

One-A-Day: not your morning vitamin

© David Greenfield 2015

When your mouth drops open, click the shutter” advised Harold Feinstein (1931-2015), Coney Island’s native son and esteemed photographer/teacher/mentor. Overlay his principle on an axis composed of your head, eye & heart, and quality images are sure to flow from the camera. But to ‘click’ anytime anywhere at the drop of your jaw, you must have a camera at the ready.
Question: what’s the best camera for that?
Answer: the one you have with you!

Pulitzer Prize-winning former White House photographer David Hume Kennerly has taken note. After decades as an accomplished photojournalist, he recently stepped away from the regular grind of lugging a cache of heavy, bulky camera equipment and set aside a year of image making using only an iPhone, the camera he always had with him. The output, elegantly presented in his book ‘On the iPhone – secrets and tips’, was inspirational for me. The result: ‘One-A-Day: not your morning vitamin’, the newest Gallery to my web site.

Starting mid-August 2015 and through November I’ve composed, posted, dated, and titled one, sometimes two, image(s) a day. Almost all were made with an iPhone. I say ‘almost’ rather than ‘all’, because I still carry ‘my other camera’ around much of the time!

The photo above was recorded on September 3rd.  Click to open the full One-A-Day gallery and bookmark the site to come back regularly for a daily dose.

Return to the web site for viewing David's portfolio of Photo Galleries and Essays