Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dystopia, USA


In the television series The Handmaid's Tale,  women are severely subjugated in a dystopian, totalitarian society. If you haven't tuned into this program as yet, don't bother. With the Supreme Court's recent decisions expanding gun rights in NY .....

Expressing oneself using a weapon is happening all too often, supplanting previous forms of engagements such as friendship and bipartisanship. 
Gun Country exhibit - Addison Gallery of American Art, Concord MA, March 18 - July 31, 2018

breaking down separation of church and state in Maine .....

reversing established law of Roe v. Wade, and in anticipation of forthcoming decisions relaxing environmental protections and ending marriage equality ....



there's no need to start watching TV. We're now living in that dystopian world.

But on the other hand, perhaps we should watch

Viewing portrayal of the handmaids' dystopian alternate universe and realizing we're close to 'this is us', could just be the spark to ignite a firestorm of citizen proaction. That's what will be needed to re-establish the type of society we long for - a 'We the People, All Men (and Women) are Created Equal' democracy. We've taken our form of government for granted far too long.

Gun Country exhibit - Issues of gun ownership, culture, and violence continue to divide the United States. Gun Country​ explores representations of firearms in the Addison’s collection in order to examine the historical underpinnings of the country’s gun fascination. On view in the Museum Learning Center, these objects are shown together for the first time and serve as an invitation to a community discussion of the pervasive cultural iconography of the gun in America.

photos © David Greenfield

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