"I had some dreams,
they were clouds in my coffee,
clouds in my coffee'
from You're So Vain - Carly Simon - 1972
When it's time to rise and shine each morning, memory of nighttime dreams quickly vanish ... unless I immediately reconstruct them. If I do, they become like Carly Simon's clouds in my coffee dreams, ready for interpretation and reimagining. And I know, if you can interpret, it can have far reaching benefits.
One morning after shuffling from bed to shower, then gazing lazily at the shower floor, faces suddenly emerged among the wet riverstone tiles ... and they were staring up at me! One tile-face appeared to me as New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain - the second, a Sesame Street Muppet ... or perhaps a Beer Can Chicken!? Had they previously appeared in a forgotten dream? Was this déjas vue all over again and a message was being resent? If so, could I now find meaning?
In Ms. Simon's coffee cup, dreamy cloud shapes were widely thought to have either a metaphorical meaning or to be representative of someone in her life being elusive or mysterious. Were the riverstone faces in my shower delivering a subtle message? If so, interpreting significance, although important, was above my pay grade. What's your take on the tile-faces?
Let's first consider the Old Man, aka Great Stone Face.
the Old Man
... and here's my interpretation of the imagined face looking up at me, perhaps at a more youthful, cheerful time than when the somber visage was set as a granite profile on the side of Canon Mountain in Franconia, NH.
Is there a message about age and demeanor there?
Literally less than a tile-stone's throw away is either the Sesame Street New Muppet Kid on the Block, or a chicken astride a hot grill with a beer can stuck stuck up it's 'you know what'.
Tile Stone-face
Uncomfortable Beer Can Chicken?
So, what are all these dreams, imagined faces, and cloud shapes all about? Old Man, Muppet, Beer Can Chicken - is there a connection? Am I just offering up a bunch of fluff? Shouldn't I be thinking and blogging about more lofty issues? There certainly isn't a shortage of important stuff to soak up one's time, energy, and passion these days. If you think 'fluff', let me remind you of a favorite tale of mine. It took place in ancient Egypt and became über-successful on stage as related by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It's about Joseph with his amazing technicolor dream coat and a journey from obscurity rotting in an Egyptian prison to becoming Pharaoh's No. 2.
He did it by interpreting what others couldn't see or imagine ...
Strange as it seems
There's been a
Run of crazy dreams
And a man who can interpret
Could go far
Could become a star
Could be famous
Could be a big success
Could become a star
'Nuff said, I made my point.
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